An American teacher and astronaut Christ McAuliffe once said,
„The universe is for everyone. It is not just for a select few people in science, math, or a select group of astronauts.“
And like the universe, education is for all of us. Not only for geniuses, exceptional talents or people who have ideal conditions for studying.
So don’t hesitate, throw in a spacesuit, jump on a rocket and come with us to discover the TUKE universe, a universe full of amazing opportunities. Don’t worry, it won’t take a few light years … be sure to be back home by dinner.
Discover TUKE
Our faculty is exactly the place where modern heroes, dreaming of saving the future of our planet, are born. You can tailor your studies to suit you. With us, you can study ecology, geology, geodesy, geotechnology, geoturism, be part of scientific research projects, learn in intensive contact with practice or gain experience from abroad. In addition to being able to recycle, we can also reset as well, and extracurricular life at FBERG is really rich. The best part is probably our traditional ball of St. Barbara, Patron Saint of Miners.
Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Our passion and mission are metals, metallurgy and the latest technologies in the manufacturing and recycling of materials. We work intensively with renowned universities abroad and with companies in practice; we have a state-of-the-art research departments and labs as do our colleagues from other faculties. After completing study at our faculty, you can add the title of Bc., Ing. or PhD. to your name, there are no limitations to your ambitions. Do you want to complete part of your studies in Germany, Italy, Japan, Israel, USA, Mauritius or 14 other countries around the world? That’s definitely not a problem at our faculty.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
We have been here since 1952 and we still have more than enough plans for the future. We are fiends for technology, automation, mechatronics and biomedicine, as well as environmental quality. We enjoy constructing modern machines and devices, whatever they may be. Scientific research and publications are not just a phrase at our faculty – we develop robots, experimental vehicles, implants for medicine, hydrogen technologies. There are also international mobility programmes like Erasmus, and if you have time and feel like it, you should certainly take a look at our calendar full of student events.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
FEI means the future: information technologies, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, smart grids, power engineering, automated electrical systems, automotive electronics, etc. They call us “fejkars” but our study is not fake. We have more than 16,000 graduates and believe us; they don’t even know where the labour office is located.
Teaching and research at FEI are well linked to practice indeed; we cooperate with partners from Slovakia and abroad, for example, with Mississippi State University or Waseda University of Tokyo. If you decide to stay in Košice, a.k.a. Slovak bastion of IT business, with our diploma in hand, you would be the one choosing your employer.
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Our work and results can be seen all around us, and that is something that attracts many to study at our faculty. The study is focused on modern construction with the support of digitization, automation, robotics and SMART solutions. We have state-of-the-art laboratories and our research goes hand in hand with global trends to build ecologically using alternative building materials and thus bringing the society a higher quality of life. And if you want to broaden your horizons abroad during your study, it’s only up to you. Construction is the engine of every world economy and the same goes for Slovakia. And that is why, as our successful graduate, you will certainly not be in a need of a job.
Faculty of Economics
Let others say what they want, but our world has been revolving around money for a few millennia, and it looks like it will continue to do so for a long time to come. Although we are one of the newer faculties in the TUKE family, we have been a modern and inseparable part of it for almost 30 years. If you want to explore the world of finance, banking and investment, or economics and public administration management, if you want to look at the world of economics from a different, even non-traditional perspectives, our doors are open to you. We have always been able to figure things out and we know very well that in addition to cramming up for school, we also need a reset and some fun outside the university. Balls, matriculations, events at dorms, sports, in short, we can really enjoy some down time here as well.
Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies
From the point of view of TUKE history, the faculty is not very old, it saw the light of day in 1996, but its results certainly show that we don’t take things easy. Industrial manufacturing is the common denominator around which the whole study revolves. We have our minds immersed in manufacturing technologies and CAM, we design smart solutions and test renewable energy sources, and we look for ways to optimize manufacturing processes. The seat of the faculty is in Prešov – the city of students, the mecca of Slovak music, so there is definitely no shortage of entertainment outside the university. And thanks to programmes like CEEPUS or Erasmus, you can gain experience abroad as well.
Faculty of Arts
We are different, we are colourful, creative, original, and we will not fit into any box. The faculty is the centre of and the leader in the development of the creative industry in the eastern Slovakia, it was a key partner in the project Košice: European Capital of Culture 2013, and in 2017, it became a part of the global project UNESCO/Creative City of Media Arts. However, we certainly don’t rest on our laurels, so we try to keep up with the latest trends, we incorporate digitization into art education, we do not neglect the interdisciplinary approach in the understanding of Art & Science, and we think out-of-the-box. It is clear that even though this faculty is a little different, it is still necessary to take a break from it now and then. Student and extracurricular activities run at full stretch here, and if your home becomes too small for you, you can set out to create beyond the boundaries of ordinary with Erasmus.
Faculty of Aeronautics
Take off with us! Aviation is a love for life and at our faculty; it takes a whole new modern level: aerospace technology, avionics, construction, pilotage, management and safety, etc. Iconic Faculty of Aeronautics TUKE, which the first Slovak astronaut Ivan Bella and the first European astronaut Vladimír Remek passed through, can also be a starting point of your successful career. Labs of wind tunnels, intelligent control engine systems, applied physics, magnetometry, sensors, flight simulators, huge hall for testing unmanned systems – that’s not Mission Impossible, that can be your life and school. And if you start to feel that Košice are too small for you, you can take off and land safely in dozens of cities around the world with university mobility programmes. Boarding will start shortly, so get your tickets ready.
Košice is a great choice for a place to spend the most beautiful student years. The rich history, culture, dynamically developing business environment, sports opportunities, and beautiful surrounding nature in the case of Košice are not just empty phrases.
If you want to get to know Košice, good sources of information are sites such as:
» City of Košice
» Košice Self-governing Region
» Visit Košice
» Košice Region Tourism
» K13 – Košice Culture Centers
» Creative Industry Košice